Thursday, 9 October 2014

10 Things You Can Tweet About On Twitter

I recently introduced my brother and his company to Twitter, and the first question asked was truthful and simple:

“Um, this is all good.. but what do we Tweet about?”
I like to use the “big room” analogy to help people get a better understanding of what to Tweet about: Imagine you’re walking into a big room of fellow professionals, all mixing and mingling.
You might smile at someone and say “Great shirt!”, or you  may recognize a familiar face and ask “Don’t I know you from somewhere?”. You can ask directions to the appetizer table, roll your eyes and comment how crowded it is, jump into an overheard comment, or simply smile.
Applied to Twitter (and using it to network with others for business purposes), you can find many ways to create touchpoints with your friends and followers.
Here are 10 things you can Tweet about- drag this list out when your mind runs blank.
1. @Replies
The best way to develop relationships with people is to respond to their posts and conversations. Key in the @ sign followed by the person’s username (no spaces) with your response. Give support, laugh, share a similar experience… do what you can to show others that you’re interested in what they are Tweeting about.
Second to @Replies are Retweets. When you see shareworthy posts, key in the letters RT or the word Retweet then @TheirUserName. If you use applications like TweetDeck or Twhirl, it makes this very easy. Retweeting is good karma 2.0!
3. Countdowns
You can fill an event and build anticipation by counting down to start time. 1 day left, 1 hour left, 5 minutes left… this strategy has worked incredibly well for live video casts, podcasts, teleseminars, and even in-person Tweet Ups!
4. Blog Posts
If you’re a blogger, let folks read your latest post by Tweeting the title and a link. Better yet, make it really simple by using a site like Twitterfeed.
5. “As-It-Happens” Updates
Whether you’re wandering an Expo Hall, attending a webinar, at a conference, or listening to a teleseminar, you can create a live newsfeed with your Tweets.
6. Photos
Use a site like TwitPic to upload a photo and send a Tweet simultaneously. What’s great about TwitPic is that when people leave comments on your photos, it will send those out as Tweets too.
7. Questions
This is a favorite of mine. Simply ask a question and watch your friends and followers respond. Great for impromptu market research or quick feedback.
8. Maladies
It’s OK if your Tweets aren’t all rays of sunshine and optimism… sometimes we need to commiserate in the public stream. When you Tweet about your sore throat, computer crash, lost cat, or stressful day, you’ll be amazed at the outpouring of expert support.
9. Celebrations
Tweet about getting a new client, finishing a big project, meeting a deadline, achieving a milestone, or whatever else merits a bit of festivity.This is a great way for others to learn about your achievements in a non-boastful way.
10. Trivial Touchpoints
Believe it or not, profitable contacts have been made on Twitter simply by sharing what you’re doing at the moment. Whether it’s drinking coffee, watching the Sopranos, standing in line, or waiting out a toddler tantrum, the mundane can turn itself into an avenue for real connections.
Twitter is no great mystery, it’s simply digital small talk. Small talk opens the doors to bigger, more profitable conversations. Use these 10 Twitter techniques to break the ice and make valuable touchpoints.

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